Career Coaching Ventures Building Your Career & Business From The Inside

Quickfire career questions – Number1


For each of the next few weeks I will be posting and replying to a career-related question. This week…

How can I get a consultant job at McKinsey, Bain, BCG etc?

  • Do in-depth research on each company and its latest news. Researching general industry trends can also come in handy at interview
  • Get to know someone who can be your point of reference at the company prior, during and after you submit your CV and an application form. Aim not to submit a single application through the website
  • Attend networking events at the consultancy of interest to you and make sure you leave a positive impression
  • Practise, practise and practise case studies! Allow at least a couple of months for this crucial part of the process and do role plays with different people to get as much exposure to relevant case studies as possible. You are sure to encounter a case study at a second or third interview round
  • Get an MBA (if possible!)

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