Career Coaching Ventures Building Your Career & Business From The Inside

Советы профессионала: Успешное собеседование в 3 шага

Uspeshnoe sobesedovanie

Вы недавно заполнили анкету, претендуя на работу вашей мечты, и сейчас находитесь в состоянии нервного ожидания и разноречивых предчувствий о предстоящем собеседовании? Или, возможно, Вы уже получили долгожданное подтверждение даты и времени встречи с вашим будущим нанимателем? Тогда продолжайте читать эту статью – она для Вас. Как сказал великий Бенджамин Франклин, провалишь подготовку – подготовишься к ...

Quickfire career questions – Number1

For each of the next few weeks I will be posting and replying to a career-related question. This week... How can I get a consultant job at McKinsey, Bain, BCG etc? Do in-depth research on each company and its latest news. Researching general industry trends can also come in handy at interview Get to know someone who can ...

How to write an effective business email – avoiding common pitfalls

Bad Business Email

During my professional career, I have read a lot of business emails and have written a fair number too. I am sure you have seen emails like the one below all too often. It is ineffective for a number of obvious reasons: the CAPITAL LETTERS and multiple exclamation marks in the subject line, the weird salutation ...

Your four pressing questions on social media marketing answered

1.      How do you measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of your social media marketing efforts? Some say it is quite difficult to measure return on investment of your social media marketing campaigns but in reality it is all about careful planning and setting clear and achievable every day objectives. You could, for instance, outline what ...

Guest Blog: Cultural differences between working in the UK and US

British workplace

I moved to London after working in the US for nearly 6 years, thinking, “How different could it be?” And oh boy! Was it different! That said, I wouldn’t trade the 5 year-London experience for anything else! For me working in America was about political correctness (i.e. no “F-bombs” in the office) long hours and ...

Lessons for women in male-dominated professions

Margaret Thatcher died on 8th April and the United Kingdom is bitterly divided on the kind of funeral proceedings befitting the former prime-minister. It is true, she was disliked by many due to her controversial policies and convictions but she was Britain’s only female prime-minister (for 10.5 years) – a great achievement in itself and ...

My interview at the Warwick Knowledge magazine

 SHARED KNOWLEDGE: DASHA AMROM   A profile of Warwick alumna Dasha Amrom Warwick alumna Dasha Amrom (MBA, graduated 2012) is the Managing Director of her own career and business coaching consultancy, Career Coaching Ventures. She is a contributor to the Guardian’s Small Business Network and enjoys passing on the knowledge she has gained from working in large international ...

If you have an idea for a business, don’t let it slip through your fingers!

Small Business Network: Starting new business

  If you have an idea for a business, don't let it slip through your fingers Most people think that starting a business will require sacrifices as well as money and knowledge they may not have. Entrepreneur Dasha Amrom explains why this shouldn't put you off   Dasha Amrom takes inspiration to follow her dreams from a quote ...

The importance of a strong personal brand in improving career prospects

Just as every business should have a strong and unique brand that differentiates it from the competition, individuals should build and develop a personal brand for precisely the same reasons. This becomes particularly important in the case of someone looking to progress or change their career and to stand out in the super-competitive marketplace. However, personal ...

What makes a great salesperson? Three lessons

great salesperson

  In my many years working in sales & marketing, I have been asked by junior salespeople on multiple occasions what the key ingredient to success in sales is. And my response invariably comes down to the personality of the person behind the sale. Yes, the actual person, not the number of prospects you have sourced ...